How to write a great sales page

You want to sell your service, not explain what you're selling.

Customer Support @ Vettted

Last Update il y a 2 ans

If you sell on Vettted you're a marketer.

And as marketers, we should know how to sell.

Your service sales page is where you should apply your marketing and copywriting skills.

You want to persuade the buyer to purchase your service by using your sales copy as leverage.

You don’t just want to tell people what you’re selling, you want to tell them:

- why they need it

- why they should buy it

- how will this make an impact on their business

- address their pain points

- show results you've achieved for previous clients (social proof)

Don't fall for the trap of  the "Wikipedia style writing" sales page.

This is where you explain exactly what you're selling, but don't touch on any selling points nor use persuasive copywriting language.

You want to make sure your service description is persuasive.

Let's take a look at an example:

As you can see, she starts her sales copy with a question. This gets the reader hooked.

She then touches on two pain-points (i.e. you've tried several courses, you have no new ideas).

Finally, she offers a solution for your pains/problems.

Only then does she explains what you'll get with the service. She does this in a clear manner using emojis to make it easier to read.

The copy is very digestible, there aren't big blocks of text. Everything is evenly spaced out.

The following audit might also be beneficial if you're looking to optimise your profile as well.

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